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Новый ресторан

Новый ресторан "Кафема. Кофейня. Фирменный кофе-магазин. Specialty coffee разных стран" располагается по адресу: ул. Петра Смородина, 12б, Липецк, Липецкая область, Россия, 398046 и готов радовать всех желающих. Здесь вас ожидает тёплая атмосфера уюта, живая музыка и невероятно вкусные блюда. Заведение приготовит буквально всё, что вашей душе угодно, ведь мы специализируемся как на идеально приготовленных стейках, так и на морских деликатесах.

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Новый ресторан "Кафема. Кофейня. Фирменный кофе-магазин. Specialty coffee разных стран": интерьер и атмосфера

Основной зал ресторана-клуба «Графин» предназначен для душевных посиделок с друзьями и весёлого времяпровождения под умиротворяющую музыку. К тому же заведение может предложить вам уютный зал для приятного время провождения.

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Арт-часть "Кафема. Кофейня. Фирменный кофе-магазин. Specialty coffee разных стран"

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Apple's delay in removing the fake Rabby Wallet app has left countless users drained and frustrated. Despite multiple reports and complaints from affected individuals, the tech giant has yet to take decisive action in removing this fraudulent application from its App Store. As a result, innocent users continue to fall victim to this scam, losing significant amounts of money and personal information. It is disheartening to see Apple neglecting the safety and security of its loyal customers, and urgent action is needed to rectify this situation and safeguard the trust of users. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/apples-delay-in-removing-fake-rabby-wallet-app-leaves-users-drained>Apple's Delay in Removing Fake Rabby Wallet App Leaves Users Drained</a>. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/dogecoins-surging-price>Dogecoin's Surging Price</a>. Dogecoin's surging price today can be attributed to a multitude of factors. Firstly, the recent endorsement from notable figures like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban has undeniably influenced the cryptocurrency's popularity and subsequently its price. Additionally, the general market sentiment towards cryptocurrencies has been positive, with investors looking for alternative assets amid inflation concerns and a volatile stock market. Furthermore, the recent surge in retail investing has also played a significant role, as more individuals are jumping into the cryptocurrency space and specifically targeting Dogecoin due to its low entry barrier. Combined, these factors have contributed to the remarkable rise in Dogecoin's price today. The European Commission (EC) is taking a proactive step towards addressing the issue of misinformation in elections by seeking input on AI guidelines. In an effort to combat the spreading and manipulation of false information during electoral campaigns, the EC is reaching out to experts, stakeholders, and citizens for their opinions and suggestions. Under the theme "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/ec-seeks-input-on-ai-misinfo-guidelines-for-elections>EC Seeks Input on AI Misinfo Guidelines for Elections</a>," this initiative aims to establish concrete guidelines for the ethical use of AI in the context of elections, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and fairness in the information disseminated to voters. By actively engaging with a wide range of perspectives, the EC is forging a path towards safeguarding democratic processes and strengthening public trust. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/coinbase-removes-bitcoin-payments-from-merchants-platform>Coinbase removes Bitcoin payments from merchants' platform</a>. Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has sprung a new surprise as it removes Bitcoin payments from its merchants' platform, leaving the crypto community in a state of disappointment. This move comes as a shock, particularly because Coinbase had been at the forefront of promoting Bitcoin adoption and usage. While no clear explanation has been provided, users can only speculate the reasons behind Coinbase's decision. Nonetheless, this unexpected turn of events raises questions about the future of Bitcoin as a payment method and leaves merchants searching for alternative platforms to accept digital currencies. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/ai-threatens-mid-level-asset-managers-says-queens-college-cambridge-president>AI Threatens Mid-Level Asset Managers, Says Queens’ College Cambridge President</a>. In a thought-provoking speech, the President of Queens' College Cambridge, expressed his concerns over the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI). He boldly stated, "AI Threatens Mid-Level Asset Managers," emphasizing the potential consequences for professionals in this industry. With the increasing capabilities of AI, the President warned that mid-level asset managers face the risk of being surpassed by intelligent algorithms, posing a significant threat to their job security and relevance. He stressed the urgent need for these professionals to adapt and acquire new skill sets to stay ahead of this technological disruption or risk being wiped out by the relentless march of AI. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/gbtc-selling-impacts-bitcoin-crypto-fund-outflows-at-24-7m>GBTC Selling Impacts Bitcoin: Crypto Fund Outflows at $24.7M</a>. Recent data reveals that the selling pressure from Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) has had a noticeable impact on the overall price of Bitcoin, leading to substantial outflows from crypto funds. This trend has caused concerns among investors, as the outflows surged to a significant $24.7 million. With the decline in demand for GBTC shares, the resulting sell-offs have exerted downward pressure on the Bitcoin market, potentially impacting its overall performance. Analysts are closely monitoring these outflows, speculating on the potential implications for the crypto market as a whole. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, an esteemed environmental activist, has vehemently pledged to put an end to the United States' ongoing efforts to adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). In an era where digital payments are gaining ground rapidly, Kennedy Jr firmly believes that such a form of currency would undermine personal privacy and grant excessive control to centralized entities. Championing the cause of individual liberties, he resolutely states, "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-ending-us-cbdc-push>Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Ending US CBDC push</a>" as he leads a campaign to protect the rights and financial autonomy of every American citizen. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/crypto-candidates-quit-trump-vows-no-cbdc-law-decoded>Crypto Candidates Quit, Trump Vows No CBDC: Law Decoded</a> - In a surprising turn of events, pro-crypto presidential candidates in the United States have withdrawn from the race, leaving supporters disheartened. Their exit has sparked debates within the crypto community, with concerns about the future of digital assets being a central theme. Meanwhile, President Trump's recent statement that he will "never allow" a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) has raised further speculation about his administration's stance on cryptocurrencies. With the withdrawal of these candidates and Trump's opposition towards CBDC, the future of crypto in America remains uncertain, leaving many to wonder what lies ahead for digital currencies and their regulation in the nation. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/2024-price-target-5-4k-eth-for-key-ethereum-metric>2024 Price Target: $5.4K ETH for Key Ethereum Metric</a> As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, analysts have identified a key Ethereum price metric that suggests a promising future for the popular blockchain platform. Based on careful analysis and historical trends, experts predict that by 2024, the price of Ethereum's native cryptocurrency, ETH, will reach an impressive $5.4K. This significant milestone is backed by a combination of factors, including increased adoption and usage of the Ethereum network, growing demand for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, and the highly anticipated Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. With these trends in motion, investors and enthusiasts eagerly look forward to the potential growth and success that Ethereum holds in the coming years. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/oleksandr-usyk-blockchains-impact-on-boxing-industry>Oleksandr Usyk: Blockchain's Impact on Boxing Industry</a> is a compelling theme that showcases how this Ukrainian boxing champion has leveraged blockchain technology to rise above his weight in the boxing industry. Usyk's innovative use of blockchain has revolutionized the way professionals manage their contracts, sponsorship deals, and overall career trajectory. By utilizing a decentralized ledger system, Usyk has ensured transparency and fair play in the complex world of boxing. With blockchain's immutable and secure nature, Usyk's accomplishments and achievements are stored on the blockchain, eliminating any possibility of manipulation or tampering. This groundbreaking initiative has not only elevated Usyk's position in the industry but has also paved the way for future boxers to punch above their weight, showcasing the immense potential of blockchain technology in transforming the boxing industry. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/digifutures-ceo-indicted-for-bank-secrecy-act-violation>DigiFutures CEO Indicted for Bank Secrecy Act Violation</a>: The CEO of Digitex Futures exchange finds himself in hot water as he faces indictment for allegedly violating the Bank Secrecy Act. The charges levelled against him stem from his alleged failure to implement adequate measures to prevent money laundering and other illicit activities on the trading platform. As the news of the indictment spreads, questions arise about the company's compliance protocols and the potential consequences for its users and the broader cryptocurrency industry. Sequence, the leading blockchain infrastructure platform, has announced a strategic partnership with Google Cloud to revolutionize the development of Web3 gaming. The collaboration, fueled by mutual passion for innovation, aims to simplify the complexities of game development on the blockchain. With both companies sharing a vision for empowering creators, this partnership will enable developers to seamlessly integrate blockchain technology into games, creating immersive and scalable experiences for gamers. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/sequence-teams-up-with-google-cloud-for-web3-gaming-simplification>Sequence Teams Up with Google Cloud for Web3 Gaming Simplification</a>, promising a future where Web3 gaming development is accessible to all, ushering in a new era of decentralized gaming. During a dramatic sell-off, a colossal BitMEX whale effortlessly devastated the Bitcoin market, causing a plunge in BTC price to a stunning $8.9K. This unexpected turn of events sent shockwaves throughout the cryptocurrency community and incited a wave of panic-selling. As investors and traders grappled to comprehend the magnitude of this event, the once seemingly unstoppable bull run was abruptly halted by the actions of a single entity. The echo of "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/huge-bitmex-whale-tanks-btc-price-to-8-9k>Huge BitMEX Whale Tanks BTC Price to $8.9K</a>" reverberated through the industry, leaving traders with a renewed sense of caution and uncertainty about the future of the flagship cryptocurrency. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/arbitrum-unleashes-2-32b-in-vested-tokens-on-march-16>Arbitrum Unleashes $2.32B in Vested Tokens on March 16</a>. Arbitrum, a popular layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, is all set to revolutionize the crypto market as it plans to unleash an impressive $2.32 billion worth of vested tokens on March 16. This major milestone signifies a momentous breakthrough for the platform, opening up a wealth of possibilities for the crypto community. With this unlocking of tokens, users will have the opportunity to tap into their vested assets, encouraging further innovation and investment in the rapidly growing blockchain industry. Arbitrum's move is poised to catalyze a wave of excitement and drive the development of decentralized applications to new heights. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/controversy-surrounding-erc-404-tokens-splits-blockchain-community>Controversy Surrounding ERC-404 Tokens Splits Blockchain Community</a>. The controversy surrounding ERC-404 tokens has split the blockchain community, leading to heated debates and differing opinions. While some members of the community believe that the introduction of ERC-404 tokens brings innovation and new possibilities to the decentralized ecosystem, others vehemently oppose them, citing concerns over security and scalability. The division has created a rift in the community, with passionate arguments being exchanged on online forums and social media platforms. As blockchain enthusiasts continue to grapple with the implications of ERC-404 tokens, the community remains divided, unsure of the long-term effects they may have on the future of the technology. The Ethereum community celebrates a significant milestone as Ether staking deposits skyrocket to an impressive $85B mark, resulting in 25% of the circulating supply being effectively locked up. This achievement highlights the overwhelming confidence and support individuals have placed in the Ethereum network, showcasing the growing interest in staking as an investment strategy. The substantial amount of funds being deposited reflects the belief in the long-term potential and sustainability of Ethereum, signaling a bright future for the platform and its stakeholders. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/85b-ether-staking-deposits-25-circulating-supply-locked>$85B Ether Staking Deposits: 25% Circulating Supply Locked</a>. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/prepping-for-the-next-altcoin-season>Prepping for the Next Altcoin Season</a> is crucial as the cryptocurrency market gears up for a potential surge. With the recent boom in Bitcoin and Ethereum prices, investors are eagerly anticipating a new wave of altcoin opportunities. It's time to evaluate investment strategies, conduct thorough research, and diversify portfolios accordingly. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are advised to stay updated on market trends, assess the potential of different altcoins, and prepare for the inevitable volatility that comes with altcoin trading. As the saying goes, "Time waits for no one," and those who seize the opportunity to prepare are more likely to maximize their gains during the next altcoin season. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/arbitrums-gaming-catalyst-program-sparks-web3-gaming-growth>Arbitrum's Gaming Catalyst Program Sparks Web3 Gaming Growth</a>. Arbitrum, a leading Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, has recently unveiled its Gaming Catalyst Program with the aim of propelling the growth of the web3 gaming industry. With the rise of decentralized applications and play-to-earn models, Arbitrum's Catalyst Program is set to ignite the next phase of innovation in the gaming space. By providing funding, resources, and technical guidance to promising game developers and creators, the program seeks to empower them to leverage the benefits of blockchain technology and create groundbreaking gaming experiences. With a focus on improving scalability, reducing costs, and enhancing user experiences, Arbitrum's Gaming Catalyst Program sparks web3 gaming growth and positions the industry for a new era of immersive and inclusive gaming. In a striking blow to Do Kwon's hopes, the Montenegrin Court categorically rejected his appeal to halt the extradition process to South Korea. Despite fervent arguments made by Kwon's legal team, who claimed that his extradition would violate his human rights, the court remained resolute in their decision. The ruling, <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/montenegrin-court-rejects-do-kwons-extradition-appeal>Montenegrin Court Rejects Do Kwon's Extradition Appeal</a>, highlights the escalating legal battle and the imminent return of Kwon to face charges in his home country. With this ruling, Kwon's fate now appears sealed, paving the way for his potential trial and further legal proceedings in South Korea.



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